i tend to fixate on a few characters from these specific games, Genshin especially ! this is just here for me to rant about a few of them and other things , ,


HIM !! THIS GUY !! i love this guy. hes my favorite at the moment ! i always tend to talk about him and kazuscara, so do be ready for that if you wanna talk !!


I LOVE THESE TWO !! they make me extremely happy !1 i love their dynamic, their playstyle, and them themselves ! theyre just so bhdhhgwabah <3333

!! MUSIC !!

MUSIC MEANS A LOT TO ME !!! i always enjoy listening to it doing whatever or just in the car <3 i have a ton of playlists on certain characters !! i love listening to songs and connecting them to anything that i like ! these are just a few of my playlists and favorite artists <3 !

this one is full of weird songs ive grown a liking too ! theyre very.. strange but thats their appeal to me and has made them my comfort songs! do be careful though as they cover very heavy topics <3


2. dandelion hands
3. stevie dinner
4. teen suicide
5. petite league
6. girlfriends
7. car seat headrest
8. american poetry club
9. nouns
10. moon tide gallery
11: weatherday
12: birdbath
13: birds fear death

(this is in no order !)

childe playlist !!!!!

this is my profile for the playlists i didnt show !